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Report page navigation

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SunilDutt N on 11 Dec 2017 12:25:02

It would be great if there's a "Index Page" kind of navigation pane or links to navigate to and fro through different pages in the same power bi file.

Comments (3)
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Iouri Chadour on 09 Aug 2023 15:02:43

RE: Report page navigation

In addition to the comments below, it would be great if we could group the pages, similar to the way we can currently do for Tables in the Query Editor view.

SunilDutt N's profile image Profile Picture

Jurrien Loo, van der on 10 Mar 2022 13:04:18

RE: Report page navigation

Yes! Just had to reorder some pages in a 100+ page report. It took ages to finish such a simple task... Being able to navigate from page 1 to page 100 with one click would be a great addition.

SunilDutt N's profile image Profile Picture

Vivek on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:41

RE: Report page navigation

Agree. While it's possible to do this with bookmarks today, it certainly tedious and a huge maintenance overhead if you have multiple tabs within a report.

A collapsible (optional) navigation menu kind of like the Filter menu would be the perfect solution.