Power BI
Needs VotesFeature Availability for All Environments Listed in Documentation/Blog Posts
When new features are made available and announced, it is common practice to announce a date/date range when it will roll out. Please include a section that talks about dates for sovereign clouds as well.
As a GCC Power BI admin, I (as well as our users) get frustrated waiting for features, and would be significantly less frustrated if I could point to an estimated date (even if it changes). In some cases, we get a particular feature at the same time or shortly after commercial. In other cases (like Dataflows), nobody knows if it will ever be supported. I understand that having features available in GCC/other sovereign clouds requires more certifications and more work on your side, and I'm happy to wait - I just want a better idea of how long I'll be waiting.
I'm not looking for perfection, I'm just looking for more transparency.
- Comments (1)
RE: Feature Availability for All Environments Listed in Documentation/Blog Posts
This may be an old idea, but it's still relevant! If you're in any sovereign cloud you should definitely vote this up!