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Export the exact display to Excel like SSRS

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Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image

Power BI Ideas Admin on 01 Feb 2020 02:36:36

We thought that the release of January 2020 Power BI Report Server Export to excel would include the same export functionality as SSRS but it only seems to be able to export what you filter as the "extra" functionality.

We would like to export the exact same report display (template, text, images etc) with totals and subtotals, etc. "What you see is what you get". SSRS is doing a better job in this regards.

Comments (2)
Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image Profile Picture

Angelfish 42 on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:06

RE: Export the exact display to Excel like SSRS

This says by microsoft it is completed

I dont understand, it is not as the tool provided is inadequate. I need to run some comparisons while I am building Power BI report and need to run this in excel?

Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 06 Jul 2020 00:07:24

RE: Export the exact display to Excel like SSRS

We hope this functionality can be added soon!