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Power BI

Under Review

Enable pagination for preview of rows in dataflows

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Imke Feldmann's profile image

Imke Feldmann on 03 Dec 2020 10:36:26

Currently we can only see 100 rows in the preview editor in dataflows.
No non-code way to scroll to see further rows.
Makes it basically unusable for me.

Administrator on 08 Dec 2020 01:23:22

Thanks this is now under review

Comments (1)
Imke Feldmann's profile image Profile Picture

Imke Feldmann on 03 Dec 2020 10:46:52

RE: Enable pagination for preview of rows in dataflows

This is really needed for debugging purposes.
Especially, as the error detail really don't help and the place where the error has occurred is not indicated any more.
In Desktop, we would have an option to go to the step with the error, this is missing here.
Now I have a "We couldn't convert to number"-error and no way to find it, as it doesn't show up in the first 100 rows.
Have to move everything over to Desktop to search for the error.
Really bad experience.