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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Sync Slicers across reports

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Haynes Killen on 31 Dec 2022 23:44:41

Capability to sync slicers across reports

Comments (3)
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Shubham Choudhary on 16 Apr 2024 06:39:50

RE: Sync Slicers across reports

It will be a great feature specially for App experience in which if we have similar dimension tables across BI reports and by leveraging this feature we can retain same selection throughout the App. Unfortunately right now its not possible. Below are the use cases which I can think of can be achieved if this feature enabled. Retain slicer selection across App. If any security layer is designed which is similar to entire App then this feature may help us to remove redundant work on all BI reports. Less maintenance also.enable interaction with slicer across BI reports. we know data filtration can be done in multiple BI reports by using URL string parameter feature but that will require Action property from Button and may defeat the purpose of App experience in which BI navigation used to be done by navigation panel. We can enable some terms and condition layer for which slicer selection will be retain across App experience if sync slicer possible across BI reports.

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Masha Mi on 05 May 2023 07:14:49

RE: Sync Slicers across reports

We are using dataflows as common dimensions for an app that should contain multiple reports. All report share dimensions from a dataflow. It would be great to have a possibility to syncronise these slicers that are based on these shared dimensions accross the app, This feature will improve functionality of an app and create conditions for a better user experience.

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Maria B on 24 Apr 2023 11:07:41

RE: Sync Slicers across reports

It would be great to have a possibility to sync slicers across reports that are located in the same app and share dimensions.