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Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

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Mimoune Djouallah's profile image

Mimoune Djouallah on 27 May 2022 23:00:50

we have a lot of cases where we prefer to turn off the auto generated dataset

  • When Datamart is used only to share data
  • When the dataset is already built using PowerBI Desktop/Tabular and Datamart is only used to store Data

The Risk is users may used the auto generated dataset, even if if it was not intended to be used that way.

Administrator on 15 May 2023 16:29:10

We're actively looking into this

Comments (5)
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Rob Palmer on 04 Mar 2024 16:35:32

RE: Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

Useful in a limited number of use cases. But confusing for end users if not being used.

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Edgar Walther on 28 May 2022 21:40:03

RE: Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

Completely agree. I cannot imagine a real life use case where you would want this auto created dataset, actually.

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James Fancke on 28 May 2022 06:53:06

RE: Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

I completely agree. When first initialising the Datamart you should have the option to not have the auto DQ dataset, at which point it also removes some UI features only related to the DQ dataset (eg add measure).

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Marco Russo on 28 May 2022 06:31:38

RE: Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

I completely agree. Still don’t understand the long term strategy for Power BI Data Mart, but the automatic dataset is just source of confusion. Making it optional with a default controlled by the Power BI admin makes much more sense.

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Sandeep Pawar on 27 May 2022 23:34:31

RE: Datamart, make the auto generated dataset optional

I support this - Sandeep