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Compare two Queries - Columns

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Collin Quiring on 04 Oct 2018 21:18:17

I would like to have the ability to do a "compare tables" or "compare queries" option.

I understand that there are visuals/queries I can build to compare the DATA within two separate queries but I want to compare the two queries. I want to know how many columns are in TableA versus how many are in TableB and which column names are different from each other. When I have two tables with 150 columns (give or take) and they are allegedly a copy of each other I want to be able to confirm that all 150 in columns in TableA match all 150 columns in TableB and that I don't have 10 unique columns in each query that just happen to come up to 150.

It would be nice to get a row count difference at the same time, but I do know that I can do the count rows to get that number of each.

Administrator on 15 Aug 2024 18:34:53

Update 8/15/2024: Moved from Power BI ideas to Data Factory ideas.

Comments (1)
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Stretcharm on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:21

RE: Compare two Queries - Columns

Check out my PowerBI tool to compare data it might fit your needs