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Change multiple measures number formatting at one time from Modeling

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Alex G on 13 Jun 2017 01:15:49

I have many measures that I need to be in Currency format, with zero decimals. This can't be done in the Query Editor, and must be done one by one from the Modeling tab on the Ribbon. I would love the ability to either Ctrl+Click on multiple measure to select many and then apply the new format. Or, possibly a keyboard shortcut similar to F4 in Excel to repeat the previous action.

Comments (4)
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Kasia K on 16 Jul 2020 10:50:58

RE: Change multiple measures number formatting at one time from Modeling

Would be great to be able to do it from Top Ribbon in Report as well. Selecting multiple measures with Ctrl + click and then applying specific format to all at once - would save a lot of time. Basic feature, I am really surprised it is not possible.

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Oli on 06 Jul 2020 00:03:13

RE: Change multiple measures number formatting at one time from Modeling

and allow multiple format changes in one click, instead of for example, 'whole number' then 'comma separator'.

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rhetset on 05 Jul 2020 23:52:49

RE: Change multiple measures number formatting at one time from Modeling

It is shocking that such a simple thing is absent in an otherwise incredibly intelligent and user-friendly program. Would love to see this.

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Kevin H on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:54

RE: Change multiple measures number formatting at one time from Modeling

Yeah, I've spent hours on formatting measures, when I feel like I should be able to do it in just a few minutes.