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Add Folders to organize fields

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on 08 Dec 2015 00:45:55

Ability to organize fields into folders to allow users to easily find them

Administrator on 27 Dec 2019 03:41:15

You're able to set these in the Model View properties pane. I see some comments asking for the ability to put *tables* inside display folders. Please add your votes here to support that: Thanks again for all your support!

Comments (32)
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KumarBI on 06 Jul 2020 00:08:47

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Is it available in PBIRS ?

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Cheenu Sing on 06 Jul 2020 00:06:14

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Which month this was completed ?
Is there any document to show how to achieve this ?

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Brien Moylan on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:31

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Has there been an update on the finish date of this feature?

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Avi G on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:47

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Very helpful. What about dragging?
For example: Dragging between folders or to a folder that already exists.
Option to choose between existing folders(combo) instead of writing manually.

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Vicky M on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:19

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

This is great... yes, need the sub folders capability as well...

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David Cox on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:42

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Finally! This is a great improvement over not being able to group fields into folders at all. It will make a huge difference to the end user experience.

However, I'd really like to see it go much further - currently there doesn't seem to be the ability to nest folders inside other folders, there's no way to group tables into folders and there's no way to include fields from different tables in the same folder. This kind of functionality has been around for decades on platforms like BO and Cognos. It's still much better than it was though.

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Charaf on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:41

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

its not what i expected from this update preview. I want to organize the different tables into folders. Just like in windows explorer.

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:41

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

Please make it possible to make a column/measure appear in multiple folders at once which is possible in SSAS by using a semi-colon delimited list of folder names. This will drastically simplify the end user experience and will also help increasing the user adoption.

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Todd Chittenden on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:41

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

You have given us the ability to group our queries into folders. You have given us the ability to group fields within a table into folders. When will we ALSO have the ability to group TABLES into folders? Seems the next logical step.

Not sure where else to put this next comment so it's going in this thread:
When looking at the list of preview features, each has a "Learn more" link next to it. That's GREAT. But some of them, like the one for "Modelling View" (the feature that introduces Display Folders for Fields under Tables) has a link that points here:

That is pretty much useless. If you don't have a specific page that talks about that feature in particular, then don't tease us with a link, pretending that you're being helpful. You're not. It's frustrating and misleading.

Regarding the new Modelling experience: it seems to always rearrange my tables on the original Relationships pane. FRUSTRATING. I put tables where I put them for a reason, because their placement on the page in relation to other tables is logical to me, helps me understand the relationships. STOP MOVING MY TABLES. I don't go to your computer and rearrange you file and folder structure, do I?

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Patrick Gleeson on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:28

RE: Add Folders to organize fields

I don't get how this is not a thing already?