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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Field parameters to dynamically change the slicers

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Laurent Marc's profile image

Laurent Marc on 09 Aug 2022 06:41:08


field parameters are an in credible feature to allow dynamic columns in a matrix, and many other visuals.

In such cases even the hierarchy is working.

As far as i've seen the field parameter doesn't work in this sense with the slicers: if you pass the field parameter in the slicer you obtain the names of the fields and not their content, without of course hierarchy :-(

Could this be implemented? it would be fantastic

Comments (1)
Laurent Marc's profile image Profile Picture

Nigel Davison on 24 Aug 2022 12:16:21

RE: Field parameters to dynamically change the slicers

agree, this would be a really useful feature to help users navigate different levels of a hierarchy