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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Reusable objects (library like)

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on 14 Mar 2019 05:56:26

Reusable objects to be included in different reports that could be updated only once and the changes applied automatically to all the reports using the modified objects. Like if we were using libraries in a programming language.

Thinking on corporate environments where governance is required, reusable objects are required to build the corporate reporting framework to keep the required look and feel, data access, security management, design patterns... in reusable objects that could be used in different reports and modifies only once (for maintenance or evolutionary pourposes) without having to manually update all the reports using the modified object.

Comments (3)
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CESAR OLIVEROS on 24 May 2023 16:14:47

RE: Reusable objects (library like)

This is a brilliant idea, we should resume it because today it is a real need

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Jose Juarez on 24 May 2023 16:09:29

RE: Reusable objects (library like)

Great idea, there is a huge need about gobernance in corporative enviroments. Just nowadays we in middle of a long effort to standarize the look an feel and security of about one hundred reports and with this kind of functionality that could be done in a agile way and much less work hours.

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Trevor Cook on 22 Mar 2023 22:17:30

RE: Reusable objects (library like)

This is a brilliant idea! Power Apps has reusable Components which work very well. In Power BI the idea is similar to custom tooltips. These are reusable components.I would use POER BI components for things like branding, header, footer and environmental information like the server and database. Currently, all of these things have to be built and MAINTAINED on individual tabs.