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Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

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on 03 Aug 2018 22:52:38

I'd like to see the ability to set the color of the eraser icon (clear selection) in a slicer header to something different than the default grey.

When you use a dark color background (let's say Dark Green) with light color font (let's say medium Orange), it's very difficult for users to see the default grey eraser and clear their selections.

If some of the color setting attributes that were just added to visual headers could be brought to the Slicer header I belive the issue would be resolved.

Comments (65)
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Richard de Boer on 01 Jul 2024 10:20:02

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

I need this. Even if just a light / dark option....

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Tom Preston on 09 Apr 2024 19:21:39

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

Yes! Very much needed.

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Yvonne Williams on 28 Feb 2024 14:21:13

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

I need this. Even if just a light / dark option....

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Mark Whitener on 20 Feb 2024 22:06:14

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

Please do. Seems like the "Return on Investment" is high - how hard is it to allow another color attribute?

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Kirk Kelley on 02 Dec 2023 16:28:36

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

I am looking for the same option to be able to change Slicer "Clear Selections" eraser icon. My company main color is dark and I can change all the colors of the slicer EXCEPT the Clear Slicer icon. Surprised to see this has been requested since 2018.  Found another request thread (Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute) that makes the VOTE COUNT 1200+ 

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Shoaib Ahmed on 20 Jun 2023 04:59:49

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

Hello,MS please respond to this request.

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Łukasz Czmoch on 22 May 2023 15:45:59

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

We also need this feature!

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Umut Yildirim on 24 Feb 2023 11:20:10

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

I'm waiting for the day this idea will be implemented because all the slicers in our company have a dark background.

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Rusty Self on 26 Jan 2023 20:31:40

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

Everyone realizes there was an effective fix for this, posted to the very first page of this request, no?

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Alexander Robe on 12 Dec 2022 22:17:04

RE: Slicer "Clear Selection" icon color attribute

Still a huge pain as it limits so much the design flexibility. Please give us an attribute where we can change that. If not in the UI then in the Design-JSON at least.Thanks!