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New Matrix Visual

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Ted Murphy on 07 Mar 2017 21:37:57

Feedback - Issues:
1. Grand Total (Rows) not showing

2. Column Headers ... Not Possible to change Column Width also the Auto_Size on Format Window dos not have any effect.

Feedback: Requests

3. Facility to explode just one of the row categories (while leaving all others intact. At present the all data other than the drill-down selection are removed. This is facilitated by clicking on the + sign in Excel Power Pivot

4. Show Sub-Totals at the bottom of a Category rather than at the top ... or make it optional

5. Put a Display Units Control on Values (i.e. Thousands or Millions, just like the Chart Visuals) that ensures you do not have to write additional Measures to scale values and ensure the data fits on the screen
6. Manually adjust Column Widths

Comments (10)
Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Mohamed GadAllah on 10 Dec 2022 20:18:34

RE: New Matrix Visual

5. Put a Display Units Control on Values (i.e. Thousands or Millions, just like the Chart Visuals) that ensures you do not have to write additional Measures to scale values and ensure the data fits on the screen

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Kerem Yucel on 16 Aug 2020 04:08:40

RE: New Matrix Visual

An excel pivot table look a like matreix is needed. Drill down is not working efficiently.

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:00:57

RE: New Matrix Visual

Display units control on values - to show large numbers in '000 or Mill or Bill is needed

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

EJM on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:37

RE: New Matrix Visual

Also, the default scroll after a cross-highlight or filter is half way down the table. The default scroll should be the top of the table.

Also, why is it now such a rigmarole to submit feedback now - it's not an idea, I don't need help, I just want to report a bug please!

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Niek Verhoef on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:29

RE: New Matrix Visual

Possibility to change the background for specific row headers, not all in one. Or add a new Matrix style which enables styles per level of detail.

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Joe DeNicola on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:25

RE: New Matrix Visual

Would also like to be able to drill down from a matrix of summary data to detail data, perhaps in a pop up window.

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

de la Fouchardiere Augustin on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:21

RE: New Matrix Visual

enable the user to display Row Totals, but without Row Subtotals

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Gregory DF on 16 Aug 2020 03:56:29

RE: New Matrix Visual

Also, if you adjust the size of a column with text wrap, every time you change something, like the title of the matrix or update the data, the column size is reset to default which is very annoying.

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Massimiliano Rivabeni on 16 Aug 2020 03:56:28

RE: New Matrix Visual

Now the subtotals of the matrix are at the top respect of the data, please give the possibility to put them at the bottom.
This could be very helpful in case of cascading subtotals (for example P&L)

Ted Murphy's profile image Profile Picture

Sunny on 16 Aug 2020 03:56:09

RE: New Matrix Visual

I would add #7 - Allow sorting by clicking on a column header (same feature as in a table).