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Parent Child Hierarchy without having to flatten the hierarchy.

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Tawfiq Moradhun on 23 Mar 2017 02:49:56

Parent Child Hierarchy without having to flatten the hierarchy.
Work arounds proposed work well if the number of children is known. Might be complicated in the case of chart of accounts where the number of children is quite big

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Johan du Plessis on 01 Feb 2023 08:55:06

RE: Parent Child Hierarchy without having to flatten the hierarchy.

A lot of business structures the hierarchies can be very dynamic and not known in advance. Enterprises have organizational hierarchies that is not always aligned across the organization (e.g. think of an acquisition, where an entire business structure must be imported) and difficult to predict. Same with Chart of Accounts etc.I understand the query engine might require a "flattened" structure, but if that can be done invisibly in the background so that users spend their time with the data and not fighting against the tool it would be great!