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dataflow, add the Option to export a dynamic file name

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Mimoune Djouallah's profile image

Mimoune Djouallah on 12 Jan 2021 01:35:46

PowerBI dataflow by default export a static file name, which is a great option, if you want only to overwrite the result.

now if you want to keep the history and partition the data, a very simple solution is to add a dynamic attribute to the file name, for example

let's say you have a date column in your data, you generate a file Export_2020_01_01

in next refresh, if there is a new data, it will generate a new file Export_2020_01_02, otherwise it will overwrite the previous file.

the attribute is not necessary a date , it can be anything, for example Export_Country1, Export_Country2 etc

I know about snapshot in the current implementation, which is different thing, as it add a time stamp to the file.

Comments (1)
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Thomas Pagel on 11 Apr 2021 16:13:31

RE: dataflow, add the Option to export a dynamic file name

Great idea, however it might be also just good if Dataflows would have an option to partition by date (with the option to create files and folders in a schema you like), so doing that whole magic automatically...