Johnny Jourdan on 31 Jan 2018 22:00:54
From a UX design standpoint, it would be nice to have a layers option similar to that found in say Photoshop, Illustrator, or any other graphic design program. The thought behind it would be able to easily select layer ordering, visibility, and locking (i.e. lock down a visual that is on top of another so that it can't be accidentally selected).
- Comments (3)
RE: Visual Layering
Adobe & Drawio has this as well and makes life so much easier. Having the ability to lock an layer or toggle visibility... would 10x increase the speed in creating advance layouts/dashboards
(P.S. I don't work for adobe, nor drawio)
RE: Visual Layering
We've been talking about the exact same thing. this would be super useful.
RE: Visual Layering
Having the ability to add layers to visuals would be awesome. That way you could select and deselect visual layers without having to move them.