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Power BI

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filter last x records

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on 21 Nov 2015 13:24:42

I would like an option for filtering that allows me to choose the last “x” number of records. So if every week a new data point is recorded in the data set, once the tables have been refreshed, all of my visualizations would drop off a prior week’s data and add the new week’s data.

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Chuck Roberts on 11 Oct 2022 11:00:43

RE: filter last x records

PBI also has an Age transformation. After adding a new column which is an age based on one of your date fields, then you would remove all records where age is greater than 8.

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Chuck Roberts on 11 Oct 2022 10:58:52

RE: filter last x records

If you are querying a database, you need to set your source S.Q.L to get only last N records or get only records by date. So when you do a refresh, only the most recent records are loaded. Most S.Q.L databases have a function for today's date which allows you to calculate the age of a record, which allows you get only records that are less than 8 days old.