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Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

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Erik on 11 Oct 2019 19:30:53

We need to allow all admins of the workspace in which the dataflow is held to be able to edit the flow. Multiple people contribute to a dataflow at different stages of a project but all need to be able to review, understand and if necessary edit the dataflow

Comments (31)
Erik's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:14:55

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

It is a must for large companies to set dataflow permissions for a group of users to see, edit and in general collaborate on the dataflow. Now only the creator is the owner and can see / change it while nobody else is able to touch it.

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:14:53

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

Like with datasets, the workspace group should be the standard owner of dataflows and not the creator of the dataflow.

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:14:53

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

At the moment, you can view or edit a data flow only if you are the owner.

I would like either:
- the ability to view the entities in a dataflow if I am not the owner without having to takeover the data flow
- the ability for the owner of the data flow to be defined as a AD group rather than an individual

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:14:53

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

Currently, only the owner can change an existing dataflow, no other user has access to it. What if that person leaves the company or is on vacation?

This should be opened up for admins or members, preferably even with a read / write permission settings for a dataflow.

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

Ben Keefe on 07 Apr 2021 17:11:55

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

I need to enable people to make changes to the tables/queries within the dataflow. I set it up for them, but I'm not doing all of the work.

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

Kaye Burnet on 22 Mar 2021 23:09:02

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

Absolutely vital to allow groups to edit a workflow, not just a single person!

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

Todd Chittenden on 07 Oct 2020 21:18:19

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

I'm hesitant to report this as a BUG because I know it's going to come back as "by design" like several others I have reported.

In this case, it is just POOR design.

Kind of like how if you are an Administrator on a Gateway, you do NOT automatically inherit permissions to USE any Data Source defined UNDER that gateway. Oh sure, you can edit said Data Source and grant yourself those permissions. But really, why does it have to be that way?

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

Bernat Agulló on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:21

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

You can take ownership, but then it resets credentials, which breaks the whole thing

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

pooja on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:07

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

What if workspace owner same as dataflow owner.

Erik's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 06 Jul 2020 00:08:19

RE: Share Dataflow Ownership with Workspace Admins

Admins should be able to view, edit, etc.

Viewers should be able to view code but not edit

if using best practice of separate workspaces, should not be an issue as the only members should be involved in the development

Merged Idea (4)