We're getting more control over axis and axis labels, which is great! What we still need is the ability to control alignment. Currently, alignment is automatically determined based on where your axis is positioned.
I need the ability to specify the alignment of my labels. For a standard bar chart, I want my labels on the left side of the bars, but also left-aligned so that they stack up nicely rather than having a ragged outside edge.
- Comments (5)
RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels
Yes agree we need the option to change the Alignment for the Y-axis in the Bar chart, this should be an easy and simple feature to add we don't need to wait until 2030 to get this
RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels
I fully agree that this is needed! We need to be able to control alignment of axis labels.I stumbled on this Power BI limitation when I tried to have a hierarchical Y-axis together with bars showing the values. Power BI insists on having the first level in a hierarchical Y axis aligned vertically. The user should have the option to align the text horizontally. That is the only way for it to be legible (concatenating labels is NOT a solution for this). I have tried to contact the community for help accomplishing this but no luck. I think that this needs to be fixed within Power BI itself.
RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels
Power BI has very few choices for visualizations.
RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels
Yes, especially on horizontal bar chart. Y-axis label (display on the left side of the bar chart) should have option to left-align, on top of the default (only) option of right-align.
RE: Alignment controls for Axis Labels
'+1. Missing ability to align. Suggesting: Vertically, Horizontally, Slanted, Single Row, Single row with automatic word wrap etc.