Glauber Andrade on 01 Jul 2017 01:28:35
While presenting the report in fullscreen, the navigation bar (with previous, next, back, print) shows when move the mouse. Options to disable this or smaller its size will be nice.
- Comments (3)
RE: The navigation bar when presenting is annoying!
I agree with the other comments. My executives have mentioned this annoying and distracting little tool bar many times. Please give us an option to disable, or make it static in a corner.
RE: The navigation bar when presenting is annoying!
Please allow us to disable, move, resize the bottom-right full-screen navigation bar.
This bottom-right full screen bar ruins the full screen experience for many end users. Please allow us to disable, move, resize this bar.
Or, tuck it into the bottom tab bar, do not overlay the report.
RE: The navigation bar when presenting is annoying!
agree 100%, i am proposing to demonstrate the service hosted reports to encourage the organisation off the Desktop software for the benfits of the cloud and yet I think the fact that this navigation bar annoyingly pops up and covers portions of the report will be a quite a negative experience for those decision makers