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Adjust workspace navigation pane width

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Khader AbdelLatif's profile image

Khader AbdelLatif on 30 Jul 2019 13:32:04

In Power BI service, can we have the ability to adjust the width of the Navigation pane? It's very useful as many of my workspaces have similar names and I need to check each individually. By increasing the navigation pane, I can see the full name of the workspace and choose accordingly :)

Comments (7)
Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

on 31 Jul 2023 21:44:23

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

In admin portal workspace page, when the workspace name is long, the name can't be completely showed, and there is nowhere to adjust the column width to make the name fully showed out. This is in-convenient from an admin perspective when the workspace name is long and has similar prefix.

Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

on 31 Jul 2023 21:44:23

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

With the current workspace navigation experience, workspace names larger than 20 characters are a are causing some issues.

going over 20 characters will create issues for usability: the full workspace name is no longer visible in the explorer, three periods (...) are added and the full name is visible only after hovering.
We want use title prefixes on Workspace to cluster them together by division/project.
If a workspace name has the same name for the first 20 characters, users (at least, me in the PoC) end up hovering over multiple workspaces in order to find the right one. 
This gives us a (UI-induced) 20 character limit for titles, which gives us ~7 characters of prefixing with 13 characters of actual naming: an unnecesary limitation.

The basic nav-pane has a fixed width of 300px, using F12 (Google Chrome developer tools) I was able to adjust this width to 400px, which actually provided a much more more pleasant experience on a larger screen.

Can we have a flexible (/responsive) width on the workspace explorer (pane) and/or a toggle to make it wider?


Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

Dovile Ekman on 25 Oct 2022 12:13:52

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

Very much in need for this change. For everyone using deployment pipelines and having proper workspace naming conventions.

Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

Betty Kelderhuis on 11 Oct 2022 13:25:19

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

This was asked before and has been there for a while but is gone again. See

Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

Betty Kelderhuis on 11 Oct 2022 13:22:49

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

It was working, you had a few option. But since a while it is gone again. Now the navigation pane has a smaller width then we needed so names are not readable.

Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

Michal Sajtar on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:41

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

Hi, fully agree with comment from David below. The workspace name area is simply too narrow and cannot be adjusted. This is an error and should be fixed asap because it makes the navigation of users very difficult.

Khader AbdelLatif's profile image Profile Picture

David on 05 Jul 2020 23:57:01

RE: Adjust workspace navigation pane width

Not sure why this even has to be an idea to be voted. I thought this would be standard UX stuff.

The pop out menu for Workspace navigation is too narrow and is not expandable. As a result it is hard to read the names of workspaces that have more than one word. Either this should be wider by default or should be expandable by user.

Merged Idea (2)