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Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

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on 18 May 2017 19:35:34

This is a repost of my idea that was closed as completed, but the 'relative date slicer doesn't allow any of the described request hence my idea is not implemented....

The new date slicer is awesome, but it would be so nice if you could set a dynamic date selection instead of a static. With a static filter the user will always have to set the dates before the saved report makes sense - especially as the report gets older.

Dynamic options could be
YTD, QTD, MTD, WTD, Today, This Year, This Quarter, This Month, This Week and so on.

original idea:

Administrator on 16 Jun 2017 23:57:11

The relative date slicer (a Preview feature as of June '17) gets us close to this with the 'This Month' or 'This Year' settings. That is a dynamic date selection that updates based on the current system date. We plan to add a 'YTD'/'MTD' option to specifically select a range from the start of the month/year up to today, hopefully that'll address the remaining requirements!

Comments (115)
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Andrew Cason on 26 May 2021 19:34:43

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Is there any update for implementing this feature? It's been outstanding since 2017 with the original idea created in 2016...

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Fred Newton on 24 Mar 2021 15:54:29

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Would this provide the ability to filter n periods before and n periods after the current date ?

Today = 24th March 2021, so filter covering from

set dates , e.g. 1st January 2021 thru to 30th June 2021
or 3 months before and 3 months after

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Will Scarbrough on 29 Jan 2021 13:21:07

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

This needs This Period / PTD (PERIOD to date) to be useful in many businesses!

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Tiffany Clontz on 08 Dec 2020 18:27:33

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Please improve time zone issue with update since everything defaults to UTC. This renders the entire feature useless if the data needs to be shown in a specific time zone. For example, selecting "In This..." doesn't work as expected as it pulls in information not according to my company's day.

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Michael Burt on 08 Dec 2020 17:07:14

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Please add true YTD and MTD options for relative date!! We are having to spend too much time writing long DAX statements to get around the standard 'this year' or 'this month' options.

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Dawn Kernen on 30 Nov 2020 14:06:25

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Need more functionality for period to date. Businesses like to use 2 fiscal years plus the current FYTD. This is not possible with the current date slicer.

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Elisa Terzo on 20 Aug 2020 13:44:18

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

It will be fantastic if "This" refers to the last date selected by the user on a slicer, not the system date.

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Amit Chandak on 16 Jul 2020 16:08:44

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Is the new version planned with a date to select?

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Mukesh Dutta on 11 Jul 2020 16:55:44

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

If we add one more feature to Relative Date Slicer, then it would pretty much remove most of the dimension model relative month/year/week offset field. Most of the times we look at reports from 3 months past to 3 months forward. Without relative month/week/year offset integer field we are not able to do that with current Related Date Slicer. It would be great to have this feature added so that we can all together eliminate unnecssary so many offset fields we have to use in each of those reports.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:04

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

The problem I run in to a lot with the date slicer is that a lot of my views are by month (not day). So, when I want to use 'between' , that option is not there. It is there if you use days from your datetable, but not MonthYear. Please add between as an option for months.

I realize that I can just list all of the months in a dropdown, but that looks bad and takes up screen space...or I can use a different visual that looks better than the dropdown, but it doesn't have between either. So, I have to manually click each month if I want to see a whole year.

This could easily be fixed without having to re-invent the wheel. I don't see why Microsoft can't solve simple changes to make the visuals better. Seems like they are outsourcing the visuals to 3rd parties. I am not totally against this, just am against it for standard visuals like a date filter.