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Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

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on 18 May 2017 19:35:34

This is a repost of my idea that was closed as completed, but the 'relative date slicer doesn't allow any of the described request hence my idea is not implemented....

The new date slicer is awesome, but it would be so nice if you could set a dynamic date selection instead of a static. With a static filter the user will always have to set the dates before the saved report makes sense - especially as the report gets older.

Dynamic options could be
YTD, QTD, MTD, WTD, Today, This Year, This Quarter, This Month, This Week and so on.

original idea:

Administrator on 16 Jun 2017 23:57:11

The relative date slicer (a Preview feature as of June '17) gets us close to this with the 'This Month' or 'This Year' settings. That is a dynamic date selection that updates based on the current system date. We plan to add a 'YTD'/'MTD' option to specifically select a range from the start of the month/year up to today, hopefully that'll address the remaining requirements!

Comments (115)
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Tatiana Melnikova on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:37

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Its important to give abbility to chose begining of the year (its not always Jan-Dec) and begining of the week. In this case YTD, QTD WTD etc will be calculated correctly.

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MB on 06 Jul 2020 00:10:44

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

The date slicer really needs to be rethought ... a lot of gaps.

Ideally there should be only 1 date slicer for both absolute & relative date picking with the option of customizing it ... relative value selection should be above/below the absolute date selection

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:08:25

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Hi, any news?

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Michael Dunlop on 06 Jul 2020 00:03:40

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Having the slicer filter by time (hours, minutes, seconds) would be useful. This should also be built into the standard date hierarchy for date/time data.

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Aaron C on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:08

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

There really needs to be a way to turn off the relative date filter. E.g. Say that you are currently looking at This month. But now you want to look at all dates.. Currently, the only way to do this is to change the slicer to drop down or list. You can not turn off the relative date slicer.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:05

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

Regarding the THIS dropdown list. Please allow the ability to add or customize the list. For example, we want to add QUARTER or SEMI-ANNUAL. We want to set our own date range. Our WEEK is Monday to Sunday or we want to add an item in the list for FISCAL YEAR which is April to March. This would be apart from the existing YEAR which is JAN to DEC.

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Kabir Laiwalla on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:55

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

I love the relative date slicer, which auto updates once set. However if we need to show "in this month" "last year" we cannot do that. I wish MS PBI can add in this month and then last year or in this day last year, or in this month last "#" years, so user can enter 1 for last year, 2 for 2 years back, or in this month in this year and user can enter -1 for last year, etc.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:10

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

This must be required - atleast to configure the options for week start etc.

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Thomas Buts on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:22

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

This would be very nice to have.
Even better if we would also be able to have some sort of dynamic offset. E.g. if I select a week a KPI comparison between week and week -1, if month is selected a KPI comparison between month and month -1 etc.

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Judy Blackshear on 05 Jul 2020 23:40:48

RE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)

I want to add my vote to the request to allow changing from Relative to Between and back.

I was very proud of the report I built that allowed the users to choose between "Selected Period" (between), "Year to Date", and "Rolling 12 Month". But then I discovered that selection is only available to me in desktop mode. I was really hoping that each user could set their preferred way of working in the same standard report.

I have a CFO, a COO, and a couple of other execs who need to see the same data aggregated somewhat differently and I'm 95% there but can't quite deliver.