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Hierarchy slicer search

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on 28 Dec 2016 01:02:49

Currently you can search through the slicer using the glass button, nevertheless, it will only present visible levels of the hierarchy, not look through all the descendants.

Can this be included?

Comments (3)
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kevin on 11 Jul 2023 16:21:45

RE: Hierarchy slicer search

I m struggling with this too. Here the related post in the community:Automatically expand hierarchy slicer when searching for somethingHierarchy Slicer - Search - Not Filtering/ Not User Friendly

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Erik Aalbregt on 29 Oct 2021 15:21:34

RE: Hierarchy slicer search


the HierarchySlicer does support this indeed (like david suggests), but this custom slicer does have another downside.
Especially in situations where a child level is the only child of a parent. Than the parent field is provided as selected value to other visuals. And not the child itselves. And this is something that the standard slicer of Power BI with the ability to be used as hierarchy slicer performs correctly. And it would be even better if the search function would automatically expand child levels when values are matching the search.

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david Gutierrez on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:02

RE: Hierarchy slicer search