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Customize fields list ordering

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Ian Bennett's profile image

Ian Bennett on 17 Feb 2017 08:50:54

At least as an option, allow fields to be ordered the same as the source query rather than alphabetical. This way they can be put in a logical and consistent order.

Obviously, a workaround is to prefix each column name with a number but this is clunky, unattractive and a pain if the columns change often.

Comments (77)
Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Cristina Dragan on 29 May 2024 08:23:34

RE: Customize fields list ordering

Is there an update on this yet? We need to be able to rearrange columns on the side bar with Table Fields as we see fit or at least keep the same order from Source Table. No point having these sorted in alphabetical order.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Laurine Lau on 13 Sep 2023 14:30:39

RE: Customize fields list ordering

I don't understand why this basic feature hasn't been implemented, while in Power Pivot in Excel, fields appear in the same order than the source.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Francisco Jose Navarro on 18 Jul 2023 14:06:43

RE: Customize fields list ordering

Surprisingly this is not done. Missing functionality, especially if we are looking at Microsoft Fabric seriously.

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Priyabrata Samal on 12 Jul 2023 11:10:09

RE: Customize fields list ordering

This is very basic requirement for a reporting tool. This feature will help to bypass lot of manual works required to get columns in proper order.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

on 27 Feb 2023 10:52:45

RE: Customize fields list ordering

Absolutely mental that this still hasn't been looked at and fixed in the last 6 years.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Jon V on 21 Nov 2022 03:31:17

RE: Customize fields list ordering

First thing I noticed after trying Power BI today. The default sort should match the order of the original data source to avoid confusing people.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Jim Brown on 12 Sep 2022 18:19:25

RE: Customize fields list ordering

Any sort of usability testing would have shown that this is a must have, not an afterthought

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Ben Johnson on 24 Jul 2022 15:43:33

RE: Customize fields list ordering

5 years and this has not yet made it to the top of changes? Please ask your developer friends if they agree this would be really useful - and if so ask them to vote!

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Laura Foley on 22 Jul 2022 19:37:46

RE: Customize fields list ordering

I've just wasted two days cleaning up a massive Excel file and just now discovered that Power BI sorts columns in alphabetical order in the Fields Pane. The data I was trying to visualize are survey responses, so the column order in the original file is crucial. Well, at least I was able to get a definitive proof-of-concept result: I can't use Power BI to create dashboards from survey data.

Ian Bennett's profile image Profile Picture

Eric Larson on 15 Jul 2022 16:54:13

RE: Customize fields list ordering

How is this not a standard feature? I've been a cognos developer for 15 years and this is always been standard and eases report writers jobs by not having to hunt for things. Blows my mind that I have to do ham-fisted things like add prefixes in order to get a sort order that logically makes sense. What is this 1990? This request is from 2017 as well.