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Slicer dropdown width cuts short based on slicer overall width.

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David Buitron's profile image

David Buitron on 05 Aug 2021 18:37:06

The slicers dropdown width should not be dependent on the slicer width.

That is, the slicer dropdown width should be responsive to the longest value in the dropdown list. Currently, one has to adjust the width of the slicer visualizations individually, so that the dropdown values don't cut out, which results in slicers being of varying widths.

It would be nice to not have to change each slicer width based on the width of the dropdown values, so that I can use the same width formatting for all my slicers. My solution is to make the dropdown width dynamically responsive, so that once the dropdown arrow is clicked, then a wider dropdown list will appear.


Comments (1)
David Buitron's profile image Profile Picture

DAVE SCHOENFELD on 30 Jan 2023 18:20:02

RE: Slicer dropdown width cuts short based on slicer overall width.

How is this still not implemented? This is basic functionality in virtually all Microsoft products.