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"Include Current" Option for Relative Date Filters with "Calendar" periods

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Ty Garner on 28 Jan 2021 00:59:32

An "Include Current [Week; Month; Year]" option for the Calendar Weeks, Calendar Months and Calendar Years selections of the Relative Date filter. For instance, I use my [Date] column as a filter and choose the following:

"Filter Type:
[Relative Date]

Show items when the value:
[is in the last]
[calendar months]"

There would be a checkbox labeled "include current [week; month; year]." This would provide the ability to return current week-to-date, month-to-date or year-to-date values in addition to the previously specified number of periods.

This is useful any time you want to intermingle historical and current information like showing last year's and current year's revenue continuously.