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Apply conditional formatting just on a particular calculation item rather than all items from a calculation group

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Lorena Ramírez's profile image

Lorena Ramírez on 09 Sep 2020 08:46:45

One of the drawbacks of using calculation groups is that you may be unable to apply conditional formatting by measures. For example, you cannot apply conditional format to a YoY measure. To do so, it will be necessary to create independent measures outside the calculation group.

Comments (3)
Lorena Ramírez's profile image Profile Picture

Lan Dao on 19 Nov 2020 02:39:17

RE: Apply conditional formatting just on a particular calculation item rather than all items from a calculation group

Yes please! Thank you for creating this request.

Lorena Ramírez's profile image Profile Picture

Elizabeth McDonald on 28 Oct 2020 15:14:14

RE: Apply conditional formatting just on a particular calculation item rather than all items from a calculation group

Agree that this is important functionality!

Along the same lines, calculation groups aren't amendable to being added to visuals as tooltips. For example, in a bar graph visual showing trailing 12-month sales by product, it can be handy to have quarter-over-quarter and month-over-month measures added as tooltips, so that if one goes to Show As Table mode and sort by quarter-over-quarter, you can quickly see the highest and lowest with the detailed numbers. One could argue this could be accomplished via a tooltip page, but showing QoQ and MoM via a tooltip page doesn't allow one to sort by those fields.

As Debbie Edward describes in her blog post here, calculation groups seem to be for only one visual: the matrix.

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Sawyer Nyquist on 29 Sep 2020 15:20:04

RE: Apply conditional formatting just on a particular calculation item rather than all items from a calculation group

This is a great request!