Data Factory
PlannedMissing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
Erwin de Kreuk on 17 Jul 2023 16:06:14
Currently, the ability to dynamically invoke a pipeline is missing in an Invoke Pipeline activity. This makes building meta data driven framework much easier. A similar option is already available for a Notebook in Azure Synapse.
Administrator on 25 Jul 2023 19:53:29
- Comments (5)
RE: Missing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
We need it absolutely to move our SSIS meta data driven development to Fabric using data factory. Thx
RE: Missing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
any update, when this feature will be shipped? With SSIS one could built this already more than a decade ago....
RE: Missing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
This is essential for meta data automation and moving to a more declarative ETL Architecture.We absolutely need to be able to add pipelines (or notebooks) as run time without having to modify parent pipelines and complex hard coded switch statements.SSIS 2005 had this feature (Dynamic child packages), so its shameful that 18 years later the new stack doesnt have this feature yet. Happy to show a demo of our Frameworks and why this is so critical for our customer
RE: Missing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
Planned in Fabric pipelines. ETA H2 CY2023.
RE: Missing Expression option to call a Child Pipeline on a Invoke Pipeline Activity
This would be great! And should also be a feature request for Data Factory and Synapse.