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Hide datasets from published app

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David on 24 Oct 2018 17:33:56

When an App is created/published, the reports AND datasets are visible to the end users. The users are able to analyze the datasets in Excel which is not necessarily desirable. This capability should be able to be controlled by the Admin.

Comments (3)
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Andy on 05 Jul 2020 23:57:28

RE: Hide datasets from published app

This appears to have been added - when you publish an app there's a tickbox
'Allow all users to connect to the app's underlying datasets'
If you untick this - App users can't see the datasets

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:49:28

RE: Hide datasets from published app

Kristina is absolutely right. This is a major security problem. I generally use single main datasets with many direct connect reports and dashboards. My clients do not want their users analysing data that is not intended for them.The new app navigation is the place to deal with this issue. RLS is not the solution.

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Kristina on 05 Jul 2020 23:41:32

RE: Hide datasets from published app

This very important! Even if someone does not have access to the reports (not included in the RLS access), they are able to analyze the dataset in Excel and see all the data behind those reports. That simply defeats the purpose of RLS restrictions.