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Bug: Show shade area for specific measure not working

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Niek Verhoef's profile image

Niek Verhoef on 20 Jul 2017 20:29:06

Function in combo chart show shade area for specific measure not working. When using multiple measures in a combo chart (line and column chart) there is an option under Shapes, called "Shade area", when enabling this the line chart changes in an area chart which is good.
When enabling "Show" also under Shapes we get the possibility to change settings per measure, when enabled you can disable or enable the shade area for a specific measure, when I do this PowerBI automaticly changes it back.

Please fix this!!

Comments (1)
Niek Verhoef's profile image Profile Picture

Niek Verhoef on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:17

RE: Bug: Show shade area for specific measure not working

Fixed in August 2017 release! Thanks