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Disable Task Flow

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Luke Bates on 17 May 2024 20:13:30

The new task flow feature makes it very easy and simple for users to create datalakes, dataflows, data warehousesbalomg with many artifacts within a workspace with the click of a couple of buttons. No save us required, it just adds objects.


Our workspace is tidy just as semantic models and reports. We do not want users clicking and playing with task flows and accidentally creating lots of artifacts in the workspace. Which then you can't delete! We want to disable the feature but apparently there is no way to do this. Allow us to turn off this crazy feature that will mess up workspaces. It should not be on by default!

Comments (2)
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Roland Bernhardt on 22 May 2024 12:05:11

RE: Disable Task Flow

+1 , give us the ability to disable this monstrosity. By default it takes up 50% of the real estate, many of my users work in the field on 14" laptops and now they barely see any reports. Sure you can hide it, but why is it not hidden by default or a different menu on the left? There are already buttons.On top of it we have no control over the feature, anything you do is auto saved and objects are created with no user prompt. I accidentally created 3 dataflows and 2 datalakes just by testing it.

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Kshitij Vasudevan on 21 May 2024 16:37:40

RE: Disable Task Flow

+1Rolling out features auto enabled without administrative settings is absolutely bizarre. Please introduce admin settings to disable this so that teams can test before releasing features to the whole org internally.This feature is particularly frustrating as Microsoft's own documentation claims this feature is for data architects/engineer personas, however it takes up 50% of the real estate for viewers in workspaces who are typically not in these persona groups.