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Fabric Git Integration - Allow switching between branches

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Garett Medlin on 15 Jun 2023 13:49:58

The current git integration experience requires you to disconnect and reconnect to your git repository when you want to change what branch is being synced to the Fabric workspace, unless you choose to checkout a new branch. It would be better if you could easily switch between existing branches in addition to creating a new one in the service. With the current experience, you have to create a new workspace and sync it to the new branch when you want to try out a different feature/version of the content. You essentially need another workspace for every branch you create if you don't want to disconnect and reconnect your main development workspace.

Administrator on 24 Jul 2024 12:06:45

We've made it easier to seamlessly create new workspaces connected to new branches with the new branch out to new workspace capability, directly from the workspace and without affecting the current workspace's connection.

Read more about this release here.

Comments (4)
Garett Medlin's profile image Profile Picture

Michal Evrise on 29 Jan 2024 18:05:53

RE: Fabric Git Integration - Allow switching between branches

Why it does not work same as in Azure Data Factory, you can work in branches there for years, why to develop a wheel if you already have it inhouse? Instead Publish button you have deployment pipeline directly integrated to Fabric to other env/workspaces. Moreover, with Onelake (and lakehouse) directly as a part of Fabric workspace. is easy for you (Fabric product team) to also create new lakehouse (with the same name but different adfs address for feature development) when branch is created and remove it after the PR and branch delete.

Garett Medlin's profile image Profile Picture

Reuben Anderson on 15 Jan 2024 10:12:58

RE: Fabric Git Integration - Allow switching between branches

I agree Garett. We use github flow. I want to be able to; create a feature branch and push changescreate a PR and trigger a pipeline that deploys the PR merge to a test workspace. review and testmerge the PR and delete the branch

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Jan Heinze on 18 Dec 2023 09:24:32

RE: Fabric Git Integration - Allow switching between branches

I would love to see a solution for this problem similar to how its done in the synapse. Where each team member can work on a different source branch and switch branches independently. Works like a charm!

Garett Medlin's profile image Profile Picture

Holger Schimanski on 04 Jul 2023 19:24:37

RE: Fabric Git Integration - Allow switching between branches

I guess the idea behind the current automatic Git sync is not to support feature branches. I would understand is more like you would have n branches like main, test and prod and have one workspace connected with each branch. Then you create Git merge or pull requests in ADO to get some recent enhancement in main to test or prod branch and by that to the corresponding test or prod workspace.