Power BI
NewUse Multiple service accounts GCP in Power BI (Desktop & Service) // Bigquery connector
Bouali MABROUK on 06 Jun 2022 07:46:27
Vote on this idea if you if want to manage access to GCP projects by using multiple service accounts in Power BI service :
I'm trying to configure multiple Datasets in Power BI Service to use different service accounts for different projects GCP.
Every time i publish a new dataset using a different google service account, it's always associated with the previous bigquery datasource overriding the credentials :
Link in Microsoft Power BI Community
- Comments (3)
RE: Use Multiple service accounts GCP in Power BI (Desktop & Service) // Bigquery connector
We are also using dev, uat, and prod environments each with separate credentials. This is a huge limitation for us, and I don't understand why this has not been fixed yet.
RE: Use Multiple service accounts GCP in Power BI (Desktop & Service) // Bigquery connector
In my case I have a Development and Production environment, each with it's own service account. So when I'm refreshing the DEV reports I have to enter the service account in the dataset, and in turn that replaces the credential for my Production datasets, so when the Prod datasets runs on a schedule refresh, I have to make sure that I enter the credentials on the prod datasets. It's so frustrating.
RE: Use Multiple service accounts GCP in Power BI (Desktop & Service) // Bigquery connector
This is a Huge limitation and needs to be addressed immediately. Power Bi does not need Gateway for Cloud source systems and at one end it does not allow more than 1 service account in services when moving artifacts from one environment workspace to other. neigther does it give you option to create datasource rules for GCP in Deployment pipeline.