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Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 24 Jun 2020 20:02:44

Dax Measure names are currently static and when added to a table or matrix there is no way to dynamically change the measure or column name.

using SELECTEDVALUE a user is able to change the context of a measure to show for example Actuals, Budget or Forecast but the measure name remains static. This is not very user friendly since we are not providing the end-user with a clear context if the measure can be modified by SELECTEDVALUE but the measure name does not provide a matching context.

If the measure name or column name had the ability to be calculated in a similar fashion, Power BI developers would have the ability to dynamically change the display name accordingly and create a smooth and dynamic user experience.

Dynamic column names are available both in Qlik products and Tableau and would be an extremely useful feature to have in Power BI!

Comments (15)
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Kais Rekouche on 26 Dec 2023 14:49:23

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

Currently, the only way to do it is through a Field Parameter, although this means having to duplicate the field and rename it each time, which is really bad in terms of optimization.

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Juan Avila Muñoz on 20 Jun 2023 09:17:26

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

Qlik Sense has it. I don't understand why PowerBI doesn't. It's critical in order to make understandable the name of the measure and give the PowerBI app a better look&feel. Come on, you've already late!

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Wayne Harper on 24 Feb 2023 13:23:08

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

I am amazed that this is not basic functionality already.

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Alexander Wodtschel on 22 Dec 2022 09:54:10

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

I often use a switch statement to display e.g. budget or previous year in a table compared to actual. It would be great if the column header would change the name.

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Juan Manuel Sanchez Queerda on 20 Dec 2022 07:55:49

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

For my company it would be of great help and solve many problems that we have after the change to PBI.

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Camilo Hurtado Hurtado on 15 Dec 2022 21:28:46

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

Great Idea ¡¡¡, the power of simplicity ¡¡¡

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Usuario PowerBI on 04 Feb 2022 22:34:09

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

Please, I really need this!

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Bruno Zambetti on 15 May 2021 09:40:54

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

please use, there are more votes for the idea

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Bruno Zambetti on 15 May 2021 09:39:30

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

Needed urgently, cases are growing to change the static header columns

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Rob Solfest on 10 Mar 2021 00:42:29

RE: Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

It looks like the following ideas could be combined and perhaps higher votes. Please consider voting for multiple of these until they are consolidated...

+ Dax calculated measure name / Dynamic column headers

+ Dynamic column header in Power BI using formula or expression

+ Dynamic Column Headers in Table/Matrix