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Support cascading Drill through pages

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Rishi Sapra on 09 Oct 2017 00:55:14

The drill through feature in the September release is great though only allows you to pass the one dimension value that has been right-clicked on onto the drill-through page.

This excludes any drill-through filters that are already on the page which means that drill-through pages cannot be chained together. For example If I have a report showing performance across different locations, a drill through onto a specific location (showing performance by that location over time) and then I want to have another drill through page showing records for a date/location combination, the location drill through page will not pass the location filter to the location/date drill through page.

I appreciate that passing through multiple filters (e.g. slicer values or page/report filters on that page) to a drill-through page would potentially be confusing, though at the least I believe one drill-through page should pass through any other drill-through filters to another drill-through page.

Allow one drill through page to also pass that drill through filter onto another drill page so you can get to a cascading drill through

Comments (3)
Rishi Sapra's profile image Profile Picture

tabrez on 06 Jul 2020 00:09:20

RE: Support cascading Drill through pages

Need these one

Rishi Sapra's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:15:31

RE: Support cascading Drill through pages

you can use the sync filters option

Rishi Sapra's profile image Profile Picture

Дмитрий Соловьёв on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:42

RE: Support cascading Drill through pages

Also would be good to have the following functional: Scenario: I have an "Overview" page and 2 other pages with drill-through filters enabled ("Customer performance" and "Customer history"). End users want to be able to drill through from the Sales Overview to the Customer performance page and then just open the "Customer history" page and keep the same drill-through filter.