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Add a "Filters on this group" Area on the Filters Pane to only apply filters to a specific group of visuals on a a page

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Adam Lowes's profile image

Adam Lowes on 05 Jul 2022 10:05:57

Currently on the filter pane we are able to apply filters to:

  • All Pages
  • A specific Page
  • A specific Visual

Would it be beneficial to consider allowing filters to be applied to a specific group of visuals?

So say if I have a group of visuals all needing a "Country Name = United Kingdom" filter as an example, currently I have to apply this filter to every individual visual within that group, would it not be quicker to be able to apply this filter just for this group?

This would leave other visuals on the page untouched

Apologies if this idea has already been suggested or if there is a workaround available

Comments (1)
Adam Lowes's profile image Profile Picture

Subhojit Pramanik on 03 Jan 2023 04:45:19

RE: Add a "Filters on this group" Area on the Filters Pane to only apply filters to a specific group of visuals on a a page

Absolutely beneficial. Will save lots of time applying same set of filters to multiple visuals on a page.