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Export to PDF by Bookmark

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Kawabata Yoshihiro's profile image

Kawabata Yoshihiro on 15 Aug 2018 06:29:10

I want to export the reports to PDF file by the Bookmark.

for export the reports with the filter state, the slicer state,
and the same page with different filter and slicer.

Comments (2)
Kawabata Yoshihiro's profile image Profile Picture

Anthony Guthrie on 29 Jan 2022 17:49:14

RE: Export to PDF by Bookmark

This functionality would really help and seems like a minor enhancement.

Kawabata Yoshihiro's profile image Profile Picture

dave roberts on 05 Jul 2020 23:40:21

RE: Export to PDF by Bookmark

Currently need to create multiple pages - this functionality would enable the export of many different 'views' without the need to reproduce multiple tabs which then need to be edited manually whenever there's a minor tweak. Also - 4 similar ideas need consolidating - so adding same comment to each.