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Option to convert Data Source to Azure Data Service

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Ian Bennett on 12 May 2017 08:31:54

The powerful ETL capabilities of Power BI is both one its greatest assets and greatest risks. Complex ETL can result is performance issues and can result in inconsistencies between Power BI reports and other consumers of the underlying database.

Replicating logic between Power BI ETL and other ETL processes can be tedious, error prone and likely to result in deviations over time.

It would be very useful to be able to convert the data source with embedded ETL into an Azure base data service of some type. The data service would be scalable for performance benefits and would be accessible via API. Conversion from with Power BI would result in the data source being automatically pointed to the newly created data source.

Comments (1)
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Ian Bennett on 05 Jul 2020 22:48:20

RE: Option to convert Data Source to Azure Data Service

This also would facilitate collaboration between business area experts (initial creation and content managment) and IT (optimisation and maintenance of ETL processing).