Alex Blake on 12 Mar 2024 17:14:06
After creating a report with PBI Desktop and publishing it to the Service/Fabric, it would be great to be able to access the M queries in the cloud when you open its semantic model.
One reason: let's say you have finalized migrating on-prem data to a LH. You also have a published report that uses only connections to the on-prem DB via a GW to access this data. Let's say one week you are on a business trip and your boss asks you to unplug the published report from the on-prem DB and rewire it so that now it would connect to the LH as its datasource. And you don't have your desktop with you where the original report lives. But you have a company laptop just for travel purposes and have access to Fabric and the published report.
Instead of downloading the report to the laptop and opening the local PQ Editor, you could simply open the report in Fabric, and from there get into Power Query cloud and switch the Source around.
- Comments (2)
RE: Enable Power Query Editor in Fabric for reports created by PBI Desktop
And major reason #3 for having this feature is that you don't have the ability to create filed parameters with PBI Service. So once you have field parameters in your Desktop report with a tables all in DirectQuery mode, and finally got around to migrating your data to a LH, and not you want to leverage DirectLake in this same report by simply rewiring the connections to the LH, you can't! And even if you re-create the report from scratch, it does you no good because now you have lost all the filed parameters!
RE: Enable Power Query Editor in Fabric for reports created by PBI Desktop
The other major reason being that if you connect a locally created report to a Fabric LH, you can only do so in DirectQuery mode. DirectLake remains unavailable to you. So in order to leverage DirectLake, you would have to re-create the whole report from scratch with PBI Service, which I am doing now and is a royal waste of time, not to mention a huge pain you know where.I guess the alternative would be to update PBID so that it would support DirectLake connectivity mode. Something like being able to specify at creation time that you want the report to use a DirectLake connection to the Fabric datasource once it is published.