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Power BI Global Admin

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Erik on 14 Mar 2016 22:54:36

As an IT administrator I need a way to see all content (datasets, reports, dashboards) that has been created and shared across the entire online tenant. This is needed to be able to support content after employees leave the organization as well as to support our SOX auditing practices.

Administrator on 30 Jul 2020 16:57:05

moving to back log for the team

Comments (22)
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RJ Brower on 17 Jul 2023 17:03:50

RE: Power BI Global Admin

We created a Service Principal and an "Admin" group Azure AD for this purpose. We had workspaces in place before we really started to manage them, so we needed to do some cleanup. Using PowerShell, we looped through every workspace as the Service Principal, which added itself, added the admin group, then removed itself. We also removed everyone's ability to create a workspace at will, and limited it to that same group. We have a request process for new workspaces and we make sure that the admin account is on ALL new workspaces. (We do have the occasional exception where we have opted to not be in a workspace due to it's sensitivity. We'll only go into the workspace on an as needed basis, and we just add the group through the admin portal.)While this workaround might be of use to others, like it was for us, having a definite way to accomplish similar without resorting to a loop in PowerShell would be better.

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Martin K on 21 Apr 2021 14:43:28

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Part of what you are asking for could be covered by:
1. - this will give you overview of all artifacts in your tenant.
2. Azure Purview - can scan your tenant and provide you lineage between various artifacts
3. If you are using modern workspaces, and you have Power BI Administrator role in Azure AD, then you can give yourself access to any modern workspace via the Admin portal > Workspaces.

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Piyush on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:19

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Bump - I need this too!

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Luke on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:11

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Bump - this is an issue for me too.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:46

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Even if we're not able to get a dashboard or view within O365 portal, please allow us to be able to extract data using Powershell in some capacity. Pulling access per report or dashboard would be miles better that what we have today.

I'd like to echo the concerns of others. I have no way of knowing what guest/incorrect users have access to what dashboards and reports. I'm ultimately relying on my users to have common sense. Especially now that we're doing dashboards around financial, legal, and even security related information this is an invaluable feature for audit purposes.

While we do save the audit log of who has accessed dashboards, that is simply not enough to see who has access at a particular point in time. And while you can go off of historical share requests, legal/security would have a field day that the access is calculated instead of being actual.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:12

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Not just see/list but also manage - move, delete etc

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Steve Rely on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:46

RE: Power BI Global Admin

'Hi, what's the status of this improvement. It has been 2,5 year since this requets and from a Administration\Maintenance point of view this is a very important feature. Especially when you want to implement powerBI in a big environment.

We are implementing Power BI at the moment and as a administrator I have no global overview of the environment
- Who created what
- Who has acces to what
- Which workspaces, Dashboards, reports, datasets, workbooks, datasources are present
- What is the relation between the different objects
- ...

In report server you could get all this info from de RS database. In Power BI Service this is more a black box, a nightmare for a administrator ;-)

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Steve Rely on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:46

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Maybe it is good to change the title of the improvement to a more specific description ex. Admin - Reporting of all objects withing Power BI Service

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Selim Mihic on 05 Jul 2020 23:25:45

RE: Power BI Global Admin

Although Power BI is a great tool, I am surprised this is not available yet! Power Bi Admin should be able to view/manage all the organization items. For the audit part, providing o365 global admin right is an overkill.
Hopefully you guys will ship this soon into power bi service :)

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Leo Villarroel on 05 Jul 2020 23:20:35

RE: Power BI Global Admin

HI Charles, do you have an ETA for this one?