Krishna Prasad Sankar on 05 Dec 2014 01:33:07
Please add GANTT Charts to the list of visuals
- Comments (69)
RE: Gannt charts
I agree that the visual needs the option to customize the legends color. A field for the baseline would also be very helpfull for project's reports.
RE: Gannt charts
I want the gantt chart to be customizable for Hours, Mins and Seconds. When would this happen?
RE: Gannt charts
Is it possible to represent the gantt chart with the start date in quarters? the Gantt Data Type does not have Quarter type.
RE: Gannt charts
I agree on the option to customise legend colours. It would also be nice if you could drill down into the Gantt chart like you can on normal bar charts (i.e. into tasks for sub-tasks) & select the order (as if using this for a programme I would prefer tasks of the same projects to be grouped together, instead of ordering by start date).
RE: Gannt charts
The gantt chart must be clustomizable for hours scale.
RE: Gannt charts
How can you de duplicate rows? I would like to show by resource and want to compress to one line per resource.
RE: Gannt charts
Agreed on the legend color options to customize- please!!! thank you!
RE: Gannt charts
Agreed on the color formatting for data sets. It's hard to make this look like it belongs in my report when the colors are not themed but random. While you're at it, options for timeline formatting, including full length lines and colors!
RE: Gannt charts
duration currently seems to be days only, can we have finer grain say minutes.
I want to report on scheduled tasks during the day with Estimated duration in minutes.
Also id like field properties like name to support concatenation of columns in data set i.e. category,name like an SSRS expression
RE: Gannt charts
Please, Add datetime and time data format. Very necessary