On PowerBI create authorization window
Add authorization window after selection new data sourse from SSAS by users. Now every user can select data source (SSAS Cube), and creating groups is senselessly
Power Query functions in URL using a web data source under on-premise data gateway
Add the ability to use Power Query functions in the source string not only for the PowerBI Desktop, but also to on-premise data gate Now It's not supported to type Power Query functions as web URL when we create a web data source under on-premise data gateway
Add checking on BLANK for Cadr visual
Add to Card checking on Blank values and setting some custom values e.t. 0 Now we must create special measures with IF(ISBLANK.. But it makes 0-values fields
Add custom measures to min, max and avg field for chart
Add ability to set custom measures to min, max and avg field for chart When we do not want add current period (month) to calculation of min, max and avg, but calculate this values only for previous periods http://prntscr.com/csvsnk
Make downloading .PBIX only for Global Domain Admins
We and another develooer teams create PowerBo reports, build mesures and sell ready BI product to another companies. Now everyone can buy one our report, download pbix file and sell our product. We, developers, can't now save our inteligance product. Why users have permissions to download devel...
Make possible to publish to web reports connected to Power BI Service sources
Now it it impossible according limitations in this article https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/service-publish-to-web Reports using any Live Connection data source, including Analysis Services Tabular hosted on-premises Analysis Service Multidimensional, Azure Analysis Services, and Power ...