This is another feature that's available in Excel, but not in Power BI, as we try to get our users to work more in Power BI, rather than constantly exporting to Excel, we need to be able to offer the same formatting. While formatting each column is way to achieve this one, it's a very tedious solution
I agree that this should be possible as it would be incredibly useful and save a lot of work.
1000% agree.
Need font sizes smaller than 8.
I have many customers complaining about the lack of a shortcut to open in Excel. It would be helpful to have a shortcut that opens the sharing options and allows me to use the up/down keys to select between "Open in Excel," "Edit in Excel," "Share to Teams," and "Copy link."
Hi like this idea and what to add the following idea, because it's very close.It would be very useful to treat calculation group items as measures. For instance in the new on object formatting pane there's the option for each measure to choose e.g. a summarization. Why not add an additional Dropdown to select a calculation group item. Thus each measure could be scoped with a calculation item (e.g. for tooltips or also for conditional formatting).
I agree wholeheartedly. I hate having to put all of my comments in another file and then sharing it. I know that you can use OneNote and other noting facilities within features within Microsoft, but yeah, I think a commenting feature within this and maybe a link to a git would be fantastic.
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Worst of all, no window title! So you can't leave a refresh running in the background and check your taskbar for when it is done, you must keep switching to the window doing the refresh. (Same for uploads, etc.). A window title that changed from "Refreshing... Dataset X" to "Refresh Complete: Dataset X" would be a great help. And for uploads, "Replace dataset?" "Choose Folder" etc. as well as "Uploading..." and "Uploaded" so it's obvious when an action is required.A taskbar icon that indicated completed status would be the cherry on top.
I also think it is important to have a feature that allows you to speed up inbound flows in intercompany transactions