Option "Display units" missing from Card (new) Visualization
The option "Display units" is missing from the new Card visualization. This unfortunately results in numbers defaulting to be displayed in thousands with "K" at the end, which is not always helpful. Now I had to format the value as text so it does not get formatted that way, but I would apprec...
Epic Idea: Make PowerBI Plugin for PowerPoint useable
It seems that, by design, after closing and reopening a PowerPoint, the plugin only reloads for each slide individually after activating each slide. This makes the whole plugin useless for our team, because we want to be able to reopen the PowerPoint for t...
Urgent! Support Direct Query Data Sources in Export To File API
As of now, the Export to File REST API does not support Direct Query Sources (especially PowerBI Semantic Models). It always shows "Error fetching data for this visual See details" in the final export, even though the report works fine in both PowerBI Desktop and Online.
Took me a...