I find the argument against being case insensitive a bit ludicrous. The general de facto "standard" in SQL is actually to be case insensitive on both table and column names.For some reason, Apache Spark is inconsistent here and is only case insensitive on column names, at least by default.The Microsoft world view is more human-friendly and is generally case insensitive across the board. So, Microsoft should definitely be consistent here and be case insensitive by default.Of course, one can make things more restrictive if they want, but in general default settings should appeal to the majority and not the exception.
The option to discard changes is a requirement. Dataflows gen 2 need an "autosave" toggle like other Microsoft Office products. What's that ? You made a mistake updating / testing a query, and realize you need to discard changes ? Don't worry, we've saved your mistakes automatically ! Ugh. And this promoted as a feature of gen 2 dataflows ?Please add an autosave on / off toggle or add a discard button to dataflows gen 2.
User an Email Template against the User entity, then reference the fields related to the booking.
Needs a new field in Work Order for Case Created.We have a report we run for a customer where this data is needed. To manage by an SLA's only on the Work Order entity would be the best solution.The SLA's could then start from the new Case created On field or Work Order Created On within the Work Order entity.
We have solutioned this with some extra fields on form, then a flow to create the extra requests until end date is reached Monday to Friday each week.
Functional Locations may provide the required solution
This would be a massive help. Users often find duplicate assets, if both of them have associations to transactional records it is a pain to 'merge' them as so many records are involved.
We have had failures due to a user that activated an Agreement no longer being a User, so the system job fails when it runs x months later. It is not easy to find these failures. The system jobs should not be running against a user, but should be system owned jobs in my opinion.
Create a new field of type calculated, then set the value of that new field with a calculation from the standard duration field divided by 60 for hours etc. Then use the new field where you want a value fixed in hours for example.