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David Zupančič on 29 Jul 2024 18:45:02


These two should be separate Legends of Line chart. Legend 1: color-byLegend 2: shape-byWe already have legend for Colorby but would need legend for Shapeby (aka Dashby).

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Andrew Ashurst on 29 Jul 2024 17:06:26


Yes this would be helpful, I voted with my personal account but would use it in my work account.

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Marcelo Borges on 29 Jul 2024 16:27:25


Having Report Selections for as many reports as possible is always a great idea. This gives BC a lot of flexibility!

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Daniel Ball on 29 Jul 2024 16:02:36


Enabling batch processing for fixed asset journal processing is an important issue which needs attention. The feature 'Automatic split of large financial journals'' feature is now enabled by default meaning you cannot post fixed asset depreciation journals over 1000 lines without using the GL > Journal Entries > Post journals function. This function is prone to user error as users must use the "Select" query instead of 'ticking' to select the lines that you wish to post as the 'look and feel' of the form implies.Additionally, using this function seems to assume users have permissions to post all types of financial journal. In an environment where there is segregation of duties, via security permissions, giving this form to a user who is permitted to post fixed asset transactions but not other types of financial journal is not an acceptable workaround. Finally, enabling batch processing for fixed asset journals would provide a more consistent user experience across each of the finance modules.

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Kirk Vander Pol on 29 Jul 2024 15:53:25


Microsoft Team,I'd be happy to meet with you and walk through our scenario of needing bundles for purchasing. Currently we are looking at doing a customization. If it would help, I could walk you through our FDD to show you the challenges.Thanks,Kirk

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Henrik Bo Christoffersen on 29 Jul 2024 12:38:37


I have the same requirement with a client of mine

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on 29 Jul 2024 11:36:37


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Frithjof Vassbø on 29 Jul 2024 09:32:17


The purpose is to avoid downstream issues. If we had the option to edit the target path of the shortcut, then we would not need to update any downstream dependencies. It would be a smooth experience. However the current situation is that we need to create a new shortcut in order to connect to the new target path, and therefore we will also need to manually update all our downstream dependencies.

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Frederik Moreau on 29 Jul 2024 09:08:23


The status is now "planned for 2024 release wave 2 " However on the feature is nowhere to be found for that release wave. Could you confirm that this is coming? Especially - "1. Based on the answer to 1 field, hide/display other fields (MOST IMPORTANT)" . In several of our current presales we have potential customers for who this is a showstopper to use Dynamics Customer Insights entirely.

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Kirill Lushkov on 29 Jul 2024 09:04:08


I mean, seriously, why the heck would you assign Q&A box creation on mouse double click? It's been like this for years(since 2020 at least). It never made any sense back then, it makes no sense now.This is extremely inconvenient and having no check box to disable this in 2024 just shows you how much this company has no clue or don't care about basic user needs.It's difficult to imagine any of old microsoft products to be released in such a state let alone exist like this for years and even gain popularity. I have close to zero complains on many of Microsoft product I've used before, but this abomination is untolerable on daily basis.