Ability to select multiple columns (using ctrl/shift) for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop in the Data mode
Augment the existing usage metrics feature to make it easier to see usage metrics for a Power BI app - e.g. total views/viewers for the App. Notice that this is _already possible_ with the existing usage metrics, via customization of the pre-built report. More details in the documentation here: ...
It would be nice if allow to sort the drill through pages. Currently we cannot change the sort order of the drill through pages and they show as the page created order.
A dashboard that is based on a pinned live page is not automatically updated when the dataset is updated. Automatic update of Pinned Live Pages should be implemented as a feature.
When adding a text box to a report, spellcheck automatically analyzes the contents and highlights words not in it's dictionary with the familiar red squiggle. There is no way to dismiss this squiggle, meaning that the highlighting is always present. There is no way to disable spellcheck via opt...
Add control chart as a chart type. Preferably with the ability to set 'alerts'ing based on various factors such as exceeding the upper limit or 5 positives in a row (even though still within limit).
We need the option to control the color of the slicer checkbox when an item is selected. The default has a dark color that is almost not visible when using a dark background color for the slicer.
I plot anomaly trend data over time. I would like the ability to include dynamic vertical reference lines on the date (x axis) for all applicable chart types (line, bar, stacked bar, combination, etc). The reference lines represent milestones and help to explain and understand changes in trend ...
A feature request was completed to add the ability to turn on and off individual data labels for a line chart, but this is still not possible for a Line and Clustered Column Chart. Please add this functionality for all charts and not just Line Chart.
I have reports that show (blank) as a choice in the slicer, despite having no blank values, if its clicked, then all my reports just show nothing at all. I find this to be a bug, please fix!