Provide the ability to schedule, "subscription" to run automatically, the ability to Export Data from Visuals "matrix". When a PowerBi report contains multiple tabs, one visual per tab, it takes time to manually export the underlying data for those visuals. Having a subscription that selects a ...
It would be interesting to give the possibility to show custom tooltips also on the matrix rows. I think about the case where the tooltip is an advanced description of the line.
Add the ability to display the count of the number of rows in a table.
Currently, the Power BI visual called the 100% stacked column chart will only allow a data label showing percentage. When hovering over a bar in the chart a user can see both percentage and total value. Please allow a user to configure data labels to include the total value along with percentage ...
Can we please get a direct connector for FileMaker Pro to Power BI. The FileMaker community is substantial, with the software having been around since the 1980's. At present there is only an ODBC connection, which can be painfully slow.
I would like to embed a report in my sharepoint site and that people can set filters and everytime they refresh the sharepoint site the filters stays there
I really didn't understand why we can't use Drill Down and Drill Through on Dashboards. Creating a single place with visuals from several reports is amazing, but having to go back in each report to analyze the details of each visual requires a lot of navigation. Isn't the main purpose of the Dash...
Please make it possible at last that we can format row headers and conditional formatting as well... Please!! It is so difficult to explain to consumers that this isn‘t possible.
Today there is no means of 'testing' the recovery key of the on premise (power bi) data gateway. the only means today are: - by changing the key, which renders logic apps / power automate connections useless. - By adding a node to the gateway cluster which is a change in production and might intr...
1) The multi-row card should have the option to adjust the column width 2) The multi-row card should be able to Left, Center, and Right align 3) The multi-row card should work as a slicer 4) The multi-row card should allow drill-down functionality as a button would