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Boris JUSTE's profile image

Boris JUSTE on 2020-06-22 14:50:52


Deployment pipeline - Deploy reports and dashboards for Contributor

In the Deployment Pipeline, allow "Deploy reports and dashboards" for Contributor to have same deployment right from Power BI Desktop and Deployment Pipeline.

Under Review
Vote 47
Daniel Jimenez Garcia's profile image

Daniel Jimenez Garcia on 2023-06-19 13:54:51


Support infra as code using Terraform

Within our company we have adopted an X-as-code policy, where infrastructure, security, policies, configuration, etc are all managed and automated as code.When it comes to infrastructure, we use Terraform extensively, including many Azure services. We would love if we could c...

Vote 43
Noah Swanson's profile image

Noah Swanson on 2023-06-16 17:51:03


Enable Git Integration for ADO Orgs I am a guest user in

I am a guest in many ADO Orgs as a guest user on my AAD account (complex org with subsidiaries). I would like to be able to enable Git integraton with PowerBI service to the subsidiary orgs ADO and I do not see them in the dropdowns when configuring GIT Integration.

Under Review
Vote 26
Mark Carlisle's profile image

Mark Carlisle on 2023-09-20 15:00:53


Enable support for Fabric artefacts in Deployment Pipelines

Currently Fabric artefacts are not supported in Deployment Pipelines meaning changes have to either be manually copied from Dev to Test to Production or amendments made in a Production environment.Can Fabric artefacts be supported within Deployment Pipelines so we can manage ...



We are starting to add Fabric items to be supported gradually.
The first part will be released this week, and more will be supported in the coming 6 months.

Vote 27
Justin Thobela's profile image

Justin Thobela on 2022-01-18 19:47:52


Power BI Deployment Pipelines - Add Approval workflow

Hi. We recently started using Power BI Deployment Pipelines and noticed that there is no Approval step, which is crucial for production releases. Not sure if there are plans in the pipelines already for this?Thank you lots, looking forward to hearing from you

Under Review
Vote 23
John Kerski's profile image

John Kerski on 2023-04-13 17:11:09


Pipelines - Deployment rules - Visibility for non-Artifact Owner

Within the deployment pipeline when you want to view a deployment rule for an artifact, you can only see it if you are the artifact owner.The "Data source rules" and "Parameter rules" are grayed out.However, an internal API call is made to "DiscoverArtifacts" which has the informat...

Under Review
Vote 17
Dennes Torres's profile image

Dennes Torres on 2023-12-11 14:26:14


Bug: We can't change notebooks ownership

Hi, This one is critical because deployment pipelines. We can't create a rule in a deployment pipeline if we are not the owner of the object.We can't make a deploy if our deploy will be overriding an object which we don't own. This last ...

Under Review


Discussing the request internally. We may reach out to requestor for clarification as needed. - Piero Morano

Vote 16
Mike Boyle's profile image

Mike Boyle on 2023-10-03 02:54:50


Please add git integration and deployment pipeline and/or ADO release pipeline support for high priority items: Data pipeline, Dataflow Gen2, Notebook

Context:Having git + deployment support for historically/frequently used artifacts would be very helpful to teams who are migrating ADF/Synapse/Power BI assets to Fabric.See: Overview of Fabric Git integration - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn<li class="ql-indent-1...



We are working these days on supporting Fabric items: Notebook support was just launched, Data pipeline is underway, and Dataflow Gen2 will follow.

Vote 15
Yaswanth Muthakapalle's profile image

Yaswanth Muthakapalle on 2023-03-10 15:32:00


Deployment Pipeline - Add Approvers

We need the ability to add approvers for the Deployment Pipeline so that we can request the approver and "Deploy To" Test/Prod only for the approved item(s).

Under Review
Vote 13
Salil Athalye's profile image

Salil Athalye on 2022-01-25 20:50:56


Protect publishing a dataset to the wrong stage of a deployment pipeline

Power BI should have an option that protects content publishers from publishing a dataset to the wrong stage of a deployment pipeline. By default it should only allow publishing to the Dev or Development stage of the deployment pipeline unless the user specifically overrides the option.

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